The Open Genome Project is an initiative of Gknowmix, a spin-out company of the South African Medical Research Council

Together we are developing an adaptable report-generating-template for seamless implementation of personalized genomic medicine extending from point-of-care testing to whole exome/genome sequencing using comprehensive pathology-supported genetic testing: PSGT algorithm.


The impact of our environment on the expression of genes associated with cancer and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) supports the development of a 3-in-1 test to simultaneously assess familial, lifestyle- and therapy-associated risk implications.

The dynamic pathology-supported genetic testing platform supports multiple NCD pathways that enable genetic counselors to assess different aspects of the same disease in the patient report.


Did you know your lifestyle and environment can have a direct impact on your genes? This means we have a responsibility to keep our genes and the genes of our family healthy.

Did you know your genes have been passed on to you through your parents? Having a family history of disease could be a risk factor to be considered.

Did you know your genes also play a role in the way your body responds to your medication? Do you know if your treatment is as effective as it should be?

The Solution

With all the hype around genetic testing for personalized medicine and sports performance,  it is important to be aware of false claims to use genetic screening as an easy way to lose weight or cure disease. Health monitoring is essential for early detection of symptoms.

The Translation

Gknowmix is a  research translation and service delivery system used in the Open Genome Project to utilize the information hidden in our DNA code. We integrate with other health disciplines to overcome the limitations of only using genetic information for decision making.

The Care

Non-communicable diseases like cancer will take more and more lives every year if we do not take action towards prevention. It is important to distinguish lifestyle-related medical conditions from genetic disorders with clinical implications for the extended family.

Join us in the search for answers and together we can find the gateway to healthy genes.

Uncoiling DNA into precision medicine: Advances in clinical sequencing of the human genome. read more